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Public tender, procurements and contracts U.S.A. – Italy : The Pezzi & Associati Law Firm has successfully conducted the participation of the American company JHHC – Johns Hopkins Health Care llc, which belongs to the American Medical University Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health of Baltimore (MD, USA), in a public tender called by the Regions of Veneto, Tuscany, Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Autonomous Provinces of Bolzano and Trento, for the multi-year supply of the license to use a complex software for the classification of territorial healthcare case-mix and support services. The partner Claudio Pezzi, assisted by the associate Francesca Carraro, dealt with all aspects of the tender, from the predisposition of the offer to the conclusion of the various contracts with the public institutions. The Law Firm has also successfully sponsored the JHHC University in the long and laborious administrative litigation generated by the excluded competitor, which has been definitively confirmed the award of the contract to the Company Johns Hopkins Health Care llc.